What We Do at OKR Detox
You don’t have to deal with your addiction alone.
Addiction is a disease that you cannot control on your own or overcome without help from professional addiction specialists. Finding the right program for you can be a breeze. It is vital finding a suitable treatment program that will meet all of your needs.OKR Detox will take into account your needs and requirements of your unique circumstances when helping you find a program.
When you are ready to start, you will enter an inpatient drug detox clinics that will supervise your withdrawal symptoms to ensure safely and efficiently. With the proper support and guidance of licensed professionals, you’ll get through the often unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Supervised detox works to make you comfortable while your body is ridding itself of the chemical toxins that keep you addicted. Eliminating this physical addiction is the key first step to getting your addiction recovery started correctly and efficiently.
When detox is complete and you don’t have any more withdrawal symptoms, you will most likely transition into the long-term portion of addiction program. You will have one-on-one therapy sessions with a personal therapist to enable you to share your experiences, design a customized treatment plan that includes dual diagnosis screening, and receive the proper treatment for an underlying trauma or mental illness.
Dual diagnosis is a crucial component that will shape your overall treatment. That is why it is necessary to be screened for dual diagnosis in the beginning, to know how to plan your personalized treatment plan. Whether you have underlying depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or a past trauma, your ailments will be accurately handled to ensure you have the best chances of achieving sobriety.